organism(<EpiTxDb>) seqinfo(<EpiTxDb>) seqlevels(<EpiTxDb>) as.list(<EpiTxDb>)
EpiTxDb objects |
EpiTxDb internal data |
EpiTxDb - Storing and accessing epitranscriptomic information
using the AnnotationDbi interface
Creating a EpiTxDb from user supplied annotations as
data.frame s |
Create a EpiTxDb object from a GRanges object |
EPITXDB_RMBASE_URL downloadRMBaseFiles() makeEpiTxDbFromRMBase() getRMBaseDataAsGRanges() makeEpiTxDbFromRMBaseFiles() listAvailableOrganismsFromRMBase() listAvailableGenomesFromRMBase() listAvailableModFromRMBase()
Create a EpiTxDb object from RMBase v2.0 online resources |
gettRNAdbDataAsGRanges() makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb() listAvailableOrganismsFromtRNAdb()
Create a EpiTxDb object from tRNAdb resources |
modifications() modificationsBy() modifiedSeqsByTranscript()
Getting modification data from a EpiTxDb-object |
positionSequence() as.integer(<Ranges>)
Generate integer sequences from position information of Ranges |
Rescaling Ranges object |
select(<EpiTxDb>) columns(<EpiTxDb>) keys(<EpiTxDb>) keytypes(<EpiTxDb>)
Using the "select" interface on EpiTxDb objects |
shiftTranscriptToGenomic() shiftGenomicToTranscript()
Shift GRanges coordinates based on another GRanges
object |